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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 58 new artefacts, 17 new members, 5 new people and places.


Added 8th March 2019 by Ray


The Smiths
Free Trade Hall
13th March 1984

Opportunity Knocks 1: These photos were shot on a Pentax ME Super with 210mm zoom lens. (I haggled/Purchased it for £7 from some kids squabbling on a Reddish street in Stockport...
They had obviously just 'lifted it' from who knows where ?
Opportunity Knocks 2: I was friends with a relative of Andy’s (RIP) who took me along to the gig while dressed in her Maypole dancing costume & carrying her wands!

They are sample snapshots exploring the music scene and my fascination with the psychology of celebrity, …more to be added when I can find the original files.

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“Lovely Images”
11 Mar 2019
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