Photographer unknown.
A great shot of one of Linda Brogan's mates (from the Reno Club crew) at the Northern Carnival Against the Nazis, 1978, featured in the following online exhibition:
This photo was sent in by Linda Brogan, the artist and writer behind the Excavating the Reno project. This important and pioneering heritage project can be explored here:
Linda writes on her website:
Beneath the grass on the corner of Moss Lane East and Princess Rd lies a legendary, 1970s, Moss Side cellar club: The Reno. A civilisation, with its own black market, social structure, king and queen, all frustrated artists. Wall-to-wall half-caste the first born on mass in the 1950s no blacks, no Irish, no dogs. Stigmatised by the 1930s Fletcher Report: ‘‘Offspring of interracial alliances suffer from inherent physical and mental defects.’ Demolished 1986.