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Added 5th June 2007 by Robin


The Apollo
25th May 1987

A ticket to see legendary hip-hop group Run DMC at the Apollo on Monday 25th of May 1987

Courtesy of Kevin Cummins

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“I think this was their tour with the Beastie Boys when the tabloids went into overdrive. There was a complete media circus and a massive buzz around this gig. It was a scorching bank holiday Monday as I recall. I was in the pub at the back of the Apollo beforehand as were various members of The Fall. I came outside just in time to see Radio 1s poptastic Gary Davies and Mike Read scurrying in the back door.

For years (late 70s, early 80s) you could get into the Apollo by slipping the bouncers a couple of quid and they'd let you in the side door. That was my hope on this night but I drew a blank - the only time. Bugger!”
“Wow, I was there for this. Yes it was the tour with the Beasties. The inflatable phallus, Prison cage et al. We had front row tickets for the gig and were terrified due to all the hype surrounding the beasties. An outstanding night.”
29 Jul 2007
“i was at this show too.. had very little interest in hip hop at the time but was intrigue by the very glad i went. the show was fantastic and i guess is legendary.”
02 Aug 2016
“This was my first ever gig. A 15 year old could hardly believe it, the Beasties stage set consisted of little more than a bit of scaffolding they would swing off, a giant birdcage which they had a scantily clad lady writhing around in and copious cans of Budweiser which they used to make a skid patch across the stage with (probably the best possible use for Budweiser). Everyone thought they were a fad and a gimmick and that it wouldn't last, oh how wrong they were. When Run DMC took to the stage the crowd was in a total state of frenzy. Run DMC then proceeded to blow the roof off the place.”
27 Sep 2016
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