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Added 5th June 2007 by sbilts


808 State, The Spinmasters, Eric Barker

808 State business card. Went to their studio to drop off some Biting Tongues test pressings of unreleased tracks that Howard gave me ages ago. Their own copies were worn away (due to the limited lifespan) but mine were fairly pristine so could be copied to DAT and became part of the After the Click retrospective to meet Andy and Darren and Graham pulled back a curtain behind which many desirable analogue synths lurked. Graham was working on a Levis ad soundtrack with that dreadful Babylon Zoo tune about Spacemen and had produced a sound lasting about half a second for a days work...(I can remember all that but the date could be wrong). I had the card because Graham wrote his home phone number on the back and also the number of Andy Barkers brother(Eric) who did the One Tree Island nights and "special events".anyone remember the "Rave in the Cave" at Frodsham.

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“i do remember the rave in the cave- i think it's where i first heard 'come together' by primal scream!”
“The levis commercial had a version of the track Bond on it ,it true many hours were spent on a 30 second clip ,evryone seemed happy with it until it went to market research where
welsh house wifes deemed it to wierd. Mean while Darren 808
had given a tape of the 808 radio show to the ad agency which
contained the sped up remix of Babylon Zoo s Spaceman and they chose that instead ..we worked quite a lot with the BBH ad agency,quite rare for them to come out of London,
We mostly worked on them in PWL studio and Planet Four studios and our own Studio 101 in the above card.(we are no longer there)”
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