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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 64 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Added 5th June 2007 by sbilts


The Men Of 992, Zanathus
The Boars Head

Arnie found a place that made cheap short runs of badges so we made loads to give out at gigs to commemorate the night. Some sad people have been known to still wear them occasionally and there are probably about 20 in the full set of different editions. These two are showing signs of rust. The Zans were the later line-up of Zanathus, They re-emerged via Akoustik Anarky nights a couple of years back and released some stuff, they gig sporadically still and are probably the Elder Statesmen of Stockport Punk and 992 shared their drummer,Ronnie Land for a while. Select Committee were fronted by Pete Gallagher who is an awesome guitar player (he joined 992 later also)

Latest Discussion

“Hello Sbilts & Splash- Question whatever happened to the Huge Batman Superhero cutout that used to guest at some dodgy gig now and then?”
“ that you Mr Land? if so do you still have the policemans hat inscribed with the profanity on the front that you used to wear during "Boys in Blue"?”
“It is I, Anyway the "helmet" in question belonged to a bass player...says it all...callled Gaz McCoy who used to be in a band with me and Stewart Harrison called The Paranoids...On the front of the coppers hat was the legend...." eat shit camel turd" for reasons only Gary could explain......”
“I was certain it said C..t on it,maybe it got a makeover......”
“the hat in question did say the word c**t on the front and underneath it did say eat shit camel turd but only deke can explain that one,but what happened to that hat.”
18 Jul 2007
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