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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 64 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Added 5th June 2007 by graham


Biting Tongues, Crispy Ambulance, Ram Ram Kino
Cloud 9

Mark Norton ,Percusionist with Ram Ram Kino
wearing the special Ram Ram Kino Camo design.
Talk about Cowbells ,think he had 4 octaves. and Roto Toms
(there must be a tangled pile of ex 80s roto toms in a land fill some where)
later joined Biting Tongues and joined a casino band in chinatown as a drummer (possably at Hot Legs)

Latest Discussion

“Wasn,t Mark one of the 3 drummers at the Beach Surgeon/Tongues Whitworth Fayre gig?...I met him a few years ago I think he was living in Holland somewhere and was home for a visit, he was a good mate of my wifes eldest brother...I recognised him from Ram Ram Kino. I remember a gig of theirs at Band on the Wall where someone was spray painting a giant cardboard figure onstage with them. It could have been support on one of the Tongues gigs there (I remember washing machines strewn about the stage and Broom handle antics and a sheet of metal being attacked with an engraver. Bits of polystyrene rubbed on glass to make high register squeaks--heaven (could have been a dream)”
“sounds right,yes i remember the action art too. yes he moved to Dutchville,and yes he was one of the 3 drummers.”
“Wasn't Kirk Podmore in Ram Ram Kino or am I thinking of something else?”
28 Nov 2007
“correct ,”
28 Nov 2007
“thanks Graham, he was my brother-in-law many years ago, its been ages since I thought of the band.”
28 Nov 2007
“girl from ipanema? i dont think they would do that ..may be your mixing them up with innersense ?”
13 Dec 2007
“Yes we did - Alan loved it at the time, done fairly faithfully too. Bit daft, but broke the monotony during some of the less well attended gigs...”
29 Apr 2008
“I joined Mark in a band after ram ram kino split, dont think we even had a name but we split just as we were thinking about recording! it was dump anyway! Sharon is that little miss morgan? and Graham why did you not accept my friend request on bookface? :-(”
17 Oct 2009
“My maiden name was McBride u almost got it right lol. Married and Divorced Greg, Mikki's brother. Hope all's well with you.”
18 Oct 2009
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