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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 57 new artefacts, 13 new members, 4 new people and places.


Added 5th June 2007 by graham


Biting Tongues, Diagram Brothers, Dislocation Dance, Toolshed
SSR (School Of Sound Recording)

Andy Diagram (sitting ,Trumpet) and Stalwart(whats his real name Stewert?)Baritone sax. during a recording session for
a college project at the School of Sound Recording in Spirit Studios (Tariff ST).. The Tune Joe Zawinuls Dirrections,also included ,Graham Massey (producer ,Keyboards)Howard Walmsley(tenor and soprano sax) ,Richard Harrison (drums)
and Mark Derby(Bass).
Andy Diagram played with The Diagram Bros, James, The Spaceheads amongst others.
Stalwart must have played with a lot of people over the years
I can only come up with The Knives and Toolshed.oh and Spak Blit.someone tell us some Stalwart Storys?

Latest Discussion

“The thing I remember most about Stalwart was his ancient Lagonda which had a bus engine in it and the back was made of wood (whilst it was being refurbished ) it looked like the car the Anthill Mob or Bonnie and Clyde might looked great parked in Stockport Marketplace...He used to play in the Megaband which was a large band put together by Ian Brookes ,trumpet player and Landlord of the Manchester Arms and Bakers Vaults respectively.. I remember him busking in Stockport Precinct with a few others and they did a demo cassette I bought and still have (can't remember title but will find it) He had the biggest and smallest saxes you have ever seen and is a great player and very affable chap alas dont know what became of him”
“Hi, I knew Stewart quite well, he gave me a couple of sax lessons and sent me on my way! The last I heard of him was that he had settled down (can't imagine Stewart settling can you?!) with a lady in Hebden Bridge. Mark Shaw”
21 Feb 2008
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