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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 83 new artefacts, 17 new members, 10 new people and places.


Added 22nd September 2017 by Martin Ryan


Buzzcocks, Paris And The Atmospheres, Paul Morley

An article on Paris and the Atmospheres submitted to Ghast Up fanzine by Paul Morley in 1977. At the time I didn't use it because I had not heard of the band and assumed it was an abstract appreciation of Buzzcocks referring to Steve the guitarist and 'Pete their cute singer and second guitarist." as well as suggesting the drummer, 'is John Maher.

The article was later used in the 1985 fanzine Acrylic Daze by which time I had established that Paris and the Atmospheres had actually existed.

Latest Discussion

“Love your recent uploads, Martin.”
24 Sep 2017
“Thanks Abs. Been checking my fanzine collection to see which Manchester acts were featured.”
24 Sep 2017
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