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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 56 new artefacts, 10 new members, 4 new people and places.


Added 14th September 2017 by Martin Ryan


Demo Tape
Coping With Kevin

A demo tape by Stockport based eighties band Coping With Kevin.

Latest Discussion

“Have you still got this? Can I buy a copy from you?”
04 Oct 2019
“Yes I have still got it. I don't have a tape to tape machine any more but I could make a digital copy. Were you in the band?

04 Oct 2019
“Hi. Yes I was the drummer. That’s me in the middle who looks like Kevin Bacon! I’d reimburse you of course.”
19 Oct 2019
“Hi Dave. Sorry for not getting back sooner. The site didn’t send me an email when you replied. Yes I’ll make a digital copy. Is it better to put it on a disc or to send the mp3s as an email attachment? There won’t be any cost. I’ve still got a stack of recordable discs that I haven’t used for years.”
03 Nov 2019
“Hi Martin. Hope you are well. Currently on a journey to find any Coping with Kevin digitised songs. Very happy to pay for it. I saw the band live, knew 2/3 its members and used to have a double sided cassette full of absolute quality songs. Can you help. Cheers”
14 Apr 2020
“Dave Hall - Can you get in touch with Anna Davenport and give her your number or email address”
14 Apr 2020
“Hi Simon. Yes I've got the tape in the picture digitised. I can send you them as an attachment if that's ok.”
14 Apr 2020
“Hi Martin
I was the singer & I haven't got a copy, please could I get one?
14 Apr 2020
“Hi Andrew. Of course. Do you want me to send it as an attachment?”
14 Apr 2020
“Thanks Martin, that would be great
I actually haven't heard any of this stuff for over 30 years”
14 Apr 2020
“Hi again Martin. That would be absolutely magnificent. Happy to Pay mate. How do you want to contact me for my email? I'm on Facebook by the way. Cheers”
14 Apr 2020
“Hi again Martin. That would be absolutely magnificent. Happy to Pay mate. How do you want to contact me for my email? I'm on Facebook by the way. Cheers”
14 Apr 2020
“Ok I can send them as MP3 attachments. Simon I’ll send you a friend request on Facebook so you can let me have your email address on Messenger. Andrew do you want me to pass my address on via MDM admin? They did that last time for Dave.”
15 Apr 2020
“Hi Martin.
If you could that would be brilliant.
Thank you so much”
15 Apr 2020
“Big thanks to Martin Ryan for sending me the Kev MP3's. Top man.”
15 Apr 2020
“Is it possible to ask Davely68, the drummer in this conversation to contact me please regarding writing a biography of Coping with Kevin? You may pass him my details if you wish. Thanks a lot”
15 Apr 2020
“Hi Simon. I can Email Dave and pass on your Email address I've still got his address from sending him the tracks”
15 Apr 2020
“Hello all. Curiouser and curiouser!
I'll pass on my email address, Simon.
Mr Wilson, I shall be in touch.
15 Apr 2020
“Look forward to hearing from you Dave. Take care”
16 Apr 2020
“I've sent you an email Dave”
16 Apr 2020
“Just to say that after all the recent activity regarding long lost Coping With Kevin recordings (#TheKevTapes ) we have now reached an aural summit of 35 single songs and approx 10 session length tracks on YouTube. Thanks and congrats to all concerned.
02 May 2020
“Amazing. Cheers Simon.”
02 May 2020
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