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Added 5th June 2007 by BandontheWall


Band On The Wall

This photograph was taken at the same time as the similar more famous image that hangs next to the stage inside Band on the Wall (see the Manchester Music Timeline). These images were taken by an unknown photographer sometime during World War II, possibly in 1943 though some people think that they were taken on VE day - Tuesday 8th May 1945. The man standing on the left of the image is landlord Ernie Tyson's brother. This slightly different image has rarely been seen, indeed Band on the Wall doesn't even have a copy, it was supplied by Ernie Tyson's daughter who was born and lived in the Band on the Wall.

Latest Discussion

“what a great picture! Is that the landlord, stood a foot taller than the others (with the lady?)”
“A guy wrote to the Evening News the other day, insisting that the informal name for the former pub was the Band IN the Wall??”
“maybe true?”
“The George and Dragon Hotel as it was originally called was known as "Band on the Wall", "Band in the Wall" Band on t' Wall", "Band on Wall", so he is right in a way but different people called it slightly different names - they all meant the same thing though.”
“The man standing is Matthew Tyson - the landlords brother, The girl beside him is Ernie's eldest daughter Ivy, who now lives in Ontario - she married a Canadian soldier who was sadly killed six months after they married.”
25 Jun 2007
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