Part of The 9th Event of The Festival Of The Tenth Summer, two days before the G-Mex gig.
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“Programme Change: I seem to remember they were originally going to show the New Order in Tokyo footage, changed to the (still mostly unseen) Rotterdam 85 show. Not sure what else changed. Has that ACR footage been shown since anywhere?”
“Yes I remember the New Order Tokyo show was the original intention, apart from Durutti Column I don't think I've ever seen any of the other stuff since. I think the New Order video was the only change to what was advertised. Although a quick You Tube search has just yielded three of the Eric Harrison tracks ie Shack Up, Forced Laugh and Crippled Child (Son And Heir). There's also a clip of Hurrah nightclub in New York which mentions Michael Shamberg in the comments so I'm presuming it's the Tribeca film. Was/is Hurrah or Hurrah's in that district of New York?”