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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 58 new artefacts, 17 new members, 5 new people and places.


Added 14th February 2015 by Abigail

Featured in the following Online Exhibitions:
Queer Noise


The Hacienda
5th November 1982

Photo: Ikon

In 1982 feminist provocateur & artist Linder Sterling played a legendary gig with Ludus at the Hacienda in protest at the venue’s frequent showing of porn films.

Here’s a quotation from Linder Sterling about that night taken from a recent paper by feminist academic and writer Sarah Feinstein.

"My seamstress and I worked very quickly in the hour before I was due to sing, embellishing my bodice with raw meat…Liz and Cath (City Fun) - who were known as the Crones - handed out small packages of leftover meat wrapped in pornography to the audience. Then they tied bloodied Tampax to the bannisters of the Hacienda, and at this point the management really panicked…We carried on regardless, and for the last song I triumphantly removed my skirt…to reveal not myself, but the black dildo which I was wearing beneath it.

This was my retort to the Hacienda’s casual and interminable showing of porn films. I finished singing the last song to absolute silence from the audience. It was bonfire night. ‘Gunpowder, treason and plot…"

Latest Discussion

“Has the video of this gig ever been released?”
18 Feb 2015
“I was there that night and I would love to see the full film if only to get a glimpse of my 19 year old self. A friend had invited me and it was my first visit to the Hacienda (which opened earlier that year I believe). Some bits are very clear in my memory such as the removal of the skirt, which was quite...amazing! I don't remember the bloodied tampaxes, nor do I remember the meat dress (which has grown in infamy due to Lady Gaga), but the gig is clear in my mind. Incidentally, member of the Mudhutters (who were from my village) were also there that night I have recently been reminiscing with them about the event. It was an amazing gig, no doubt about it.”
16 Jun 2015
“Brilliant to read this account. The only part of the video I have seen is at 90 second or so clip on youtube -”
23 Oct 2015
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