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Added 11th February 2015 by Abigail


Ruf Dug
Soup Kitchen

Dancers Wanted for Bradley Zero B2B Ruf Dug all night long

Welcome Bradley Zero to the Soup Kitchen! Finally the stars have aligned and we found a window in this man's hectic schedule to get him up to Manchester's Best Basement for an extended session alongside resident Ruf Dug taking in disco / techno / boogie / afro / soul / house / hip-hop / you bloody name it - heavyweight selections all night long...

Probably best known as one of the Boiler Room hosts, Bradley Zero wears a lot of other hats on top of all those dreadlocks... he's the boss of Rhythm Section, a fast-growing conglomerate that includes the infamous twice-monthly dance that's put Peckham on the world clubbing map, a show on NTS radio and a fledgling music imprint which has attained 'gotta catch them all' status amongst late night pokemon trainers after only 3 releases and just copped a nomination for "Label Of The Year" in Gilles Peterson's World Wide Awards...

In addition, and most importantly, he is a killer DJ - I've had the pleasure of playing alongside him a few times now and he has all the moves and the collection to back it up... each time I come away with a list of records I gotta buy and great memories of the vibes when he was playing them... this is gonna be a special night and Bradley's first time in Manchester... long overdue - come dance with us!

Usual Dancers Wanted rules apply:

- 2 DJs B2B all night long, no set times, it's a journey maaaaaannn...

- DJ Booth Upgrades in place - DJR400 / Echo Box / Fresh Needles

- Red Light All Night!

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