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Added 5th June 2007 by oldmonkey


New Order
24th June 2005

Ticket from the Wireless Festival in Hyde Park, 24th June 2005.

Can't remember much about this one - I do recall walking to the Audley Pub at lunchtime to meet up with everyone, but that's about it!

New Order had a few technical problems, the autocue wouldn't work so Bernard was left to his own lyrical devices......that can only mean one thing, the return of the potty mouth! The "when Jesus comes to take your hand" line in Run Wild managed to become "when Satan comes to f*** you".........say no more! Everything's Gone Green was on the setlist for the first time since 1987, but wasn't played, we had to wait a week until they played it in Turin.

Latest Discussion

“No evidence of the aforementioned line can be heard on either the XFM version or the Realmedia stream. While the band was definitely potty-mouthed in general (though at the end, the XFM announcer can be heard to comment that he didn't think there was *enough* swearing), as Bernard and Co. can be heard to use f*** or a variant there of seven times throughout, I don't want to think they'd be *that* crude given the subject matter of the song in question. It's possible, of course, that the song was cleaned up, as there have been other times (such as the Reading '98 DVD) where flubbed lines have been fixed, though if they took out the Satan bit, they left out the other mumble-throughs not to mention the [play on] drug reference with the 'give you a snort to sort you out' bit after the end of the song, so I've asked the person I know who taped this live what their recording has.”
“You're welcome to the audience tape Sam!”
“I guess it's personS I know then...

Thanks! The only thing which made me dubious of the notion of an edit was they didn't seem to have cleaned up anything else! I wasn't doubting you, I was just saying I didn't want it to be true.”
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