
Reviewer/Photographer press pass for an Everything Everything gig 11th Oct 2013, The Ritz.
This was the first "professional" live review I ever did and I was so excited I forgot to be nervous. I'd requested the review, and only got confirmation from my editor and the band's PR the day of the gig. It was the third or fourth (I forget exactly) time I'd seen the band live - honestly they get better each time - and I knew nearly every song off by heart.
Walking past the queue and waltzing in as press was such a buzz! At least, after the nerve-racking moment when I waited for the doorman to find my name on the press list and was stuck with the terrifying idea that it might not be there. No matter how many live reviews I do, I don't think I'll ever lose that heart-in-the-mouth moment.
Reviewing is half paying attention and half bluffing confidence, and watching the other reviewers & photographers I felt so out of my depth, but it was such a thrill I just went with the flow of things.
Half way through I stopped thinking like a reviewer (i.e. constantly planning sentences in my head to write when I get home) and just let loose and enjoyed the music.
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