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Added 22nd February 2014 by sbilts


The Crown, Heaton Lane

Mugwump's 2nd gig was an al fresco affair in the garden of the Crown Inn under Stockports's imposing viaduct...we had been to Glastonbury and wanted to create a festival feel so painted up some oil drums to have fires in and hired some fancy projector to complement the slides..the singer did a bit of fire-eating but the video battery ran out just as the pyrotechnics began...there was paraffin spilled all over the cobbles at the front of the stage and during our "encore" we jammed out a weird electro version of Johnny B Goode which was an in joke with us as every band in Stockport at the time used to have it in their set(or so it seemed) The punters failed to see the irony and were dancing like headless chickens but sliding all over the place and falling over on the slippery surface.I almost destroyed my drum machine bashing on the pads keeping the beat going live...It was petty good fun...we sacked the singer that night though and became an ambient outfit.......

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