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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 57 new artefacts, 12 new members, 4 new people and places.


Added 13th January 2014 by John Hall



The best - and wierdest - club in Manchester i ever experienced, the smell and dirt mingled with the hippys and bikers to create a wild sence of hedonism and complete escapism form 'straight land and ' The Man'.They also provided free Sundays when many future legends played..

Latest Discussion

13 Jan 2014
“Interesting flyer design too... quiet hard to understand! Great tho...”
14 Jan 2014
14 Jan 2014
“I saw two of the bands on the flyer, at Stoneground, in 1972 or early '73, AWB played there as one of their first gigs after a tour of the USA and were absolutely electric (yes I know, later bloated and bland to the max, but this was when they were young and had BALLS) and Commander Cody and the LPA were v. stoned and CC said he felt right at home. I also recall my feet sticking to the carpet and the truly awful upstairs bog.”
21 Jan 2014
“Only went once - to see Commander Cody & The Lost Planet Airmen. Just remember my shoes being stuck to the floor. An old mate Dave Woods RIP used to work behind the bar sometimes.”
21 Jan 2014
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