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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 9 new artefacts, 26 new members, 9 new people and places.


Added 19th November 2012 by Abigail

Featured in the following Online Exhibitions:
City Fun: The Hidden History of Manchester's Favourite Fanzine


9 Lucy Street, Trafford
19th March 1982

Contributors: Pat, Claire Harper, Liz Snailor, Brian Mills, Kitty S. Miles, Greg Becker
Office: 9 Lucy Street, Manchester 15

Latest Discussion

“This magnificent rant against gay ghettoising-cum-celebration of Gay News may well have been written by either Liz or Cath: "Listen cupcake...I should know something about the subject...unless they were just funny fancy-dress parties after all." It's tartly perceptive and anticipates by a mile that scepticism which would arise later in the 80s about LGBT people being expected to be a certain kind of person with the same sorts of musical tastes, mannerisms and so on. When I first read it I thought it might be a too-hasty dismissal of gay politics, throwing the baby out with the bathwater in its raging against hypocrisy. Having scanned through it again, though, I realised that the unwavering political commitment is there. It's just been combined with an entirely reasonable anger at the way the goal of sexual liberation for all has given way to fragmentation and limited identity politics. It's not surprising that the author is a fan of Gay News, which grew out of the same radical 70s culture as City Fun. Gay News was preceded by Come Together, the underground paper of the Gay Liberation Front.”
27 Nov 2012
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