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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 9 new artefacts, 22 new members, 9 new people and places.


Added 19th November 2012 by Abigail

Featured in the following Online Exhibitions:
City Fun: The Hidden History of Manchester's Favourite Fanzine


9 Lucy Street, Trafford
1st March 1982

Contributors: Brian Mills, Liz Naylor, Catherine Miles, Bob Dickinson, Liz Naylor, Pat Clarke, Christine Simpson, Monica Fine, Caroline W, Felix Scarlet
Office: 9 Lucy Street, Manchester 15

Latest Discussion

“More countercultural continuity in the form of guest comic strips from Biff, a pair of cartoonists who rose with the underground press, whose work was stocked at Grassroots and Rough Trade and who like many other rebellious baby boomers, ended up contributing to the pages of the Guardian. The droll, bathetic love-hate relationship displayed in the comics with the avant-garde techniques on which they were based was in tune with City Fun's similarly tetchy descriptions of the music scene it facilitated, and its suspicion of pretension in all its forms. "'We are merely dialling tones in the phone booth of memory'...'must be that piss artist I met in Marienbad last year'".”
27 Nov 2012
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